What is a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)? |
Digital Signature Certificates are electronic format of physical signatures. DSC can be presented electronically to access information or services on the Internet, to prove the identity or to sign certain documents digitally. |
Why is DSC required? |
W.e.f. 16th September 2006 all the documents required to be filed with ROC have to be filed on portal of Ministry of Corporate Affairs at www.mca.gov.in using Digital Signature Certificate. |
Who issues the Digital Signature Certificate? |
A licensed Certifying Authority (CA) issues the digital signature. Various certifying authorities licensed by MCA include TCS, SIFY and MTNL etc. |
Is Director Identification Number (DIN) a pre-requisite to apply for DSC? |
It is not necessary that person should first have DIN number as a pre-requisite to apply for DSC. DSC can be obtained without DIN. But both DSC and DIN are required for filing any documents on portal of MCA. |
What is the validity period of a Digital Signature Certificate? |
The Certifying Authorities are authorized to issue a Digital Signature Certificate with validity or one or two years. |
What is the legal status of a Digital Signature? |
Digital Signatures have legal validity and are admitted in Court of Law for various purposes. |
PNJ Legal Consultants.LLP is committed to help its clients by providing top quality and innovative business solutions by early identification of business risks. For any further queries / details, you can e-mail us or can contact Mr Paras Mittal on Cell no. +91- 09891093302, Email: parascs@gmail.com
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
What is Digital Signature
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A well written post. In short you have tried to explain the main things about digital signature scheme. Everyone should know about digital signatures as in some form they are using it.
ReplyDeletedigital signatures